According to Dr Sharib:

"Al-Ghafur is the One Who forgives many times and Who conceals and hides
the faults and the shortcomings of the people."
"To emulate the name you should forgive others and seek and implore the
mercy of Allah."
Appropriate use of this name constitutes release from fever.

see 'The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah' by Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib

Some other references:

There is no blame
On you if ye make
An offer of betrothal
Or hold it in your hearts.
Allah knows that ye
Cherish them in your hearts:
But do not make a secret contract
With them except in terms
Honourable, nor resolve on the tie
Of marriage till the term
Prescribed is fulfilled
And know that Allah
Knoweth what is in your hearts
And take heed of Him;
And know that Allah is
Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.

(Qur'an 2:235 Y. Ali trans.)

Al-Ghazali compares this to the name 'Al-Ghaffar' which he says emphasises
the repeated forgiving whereas 'Al-Ghafur' emphasises the perfection and
completeness of forgiving.
(Al-Ghazali - The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Trans. Burrel/Daher: ITS: 1992.)

"Allah hides our faults in the realms of the spirits and angels just as He does in
this world."
Sheikh Tosun Bayrak al-Jehari al-Halveti: The Most Beautiful Names: Threshold, 1985.

In the passage from the holy Qur'an quoted above God informs us both of His
full knowledge of the inclinations of our heart in forming ties of affection (in this
case with a widow) and of His forgivingness in this respect; but He gently,
though firmly, insists that we act always honourably in such matters.
From this it becomes clear that when others form ties of affection, our children,
our friends, our parents and so on, we should not sit in judgment but be
understanding of this quality of human nature, and should insist only that this
does not lead to dishonorable conduct. Further we need not reveal any
knowledge of this, whilst they wish to keep it hidden.

Thus a certain license is given to the inclinations of our hearts, but it does not
extend to our behaviour. The effects of going beyond this - of allowing our
heart's inclinations to rule us to the extent that it lead us into dishonorable
behaviour - are indicated in an expression of Dr Sharib's. He says thus: 'To
follow the hearts desire can lead to heart's disease.'

God's Merciful kindness to us in shown in two aspects in this verse. The first is
His forgivingness and His making allowance for our weak nature, the second is
that he makes clear what is not in our own real best interest - dishonorable

Thus, as an example of social interactions, the good parent understands the
inclinations of his or her children and does not expose them, but their kindness
extends further - into putting gentle but firm limits on their actual behaviour.

Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim
Qur'an 112
The One
He Who is Uniquely One

Qur'an 2:235
The All-Forgiving
The Forgiving, The Pitying
Wa laa junaaha 'alaykum
fiimaa 'arraztum-bihii min
khitbatin-nisaaa-'i 'aw
'aknantum fiii 'anfusikum.
'Ali-mallaahu 'annakum
satazkuruuna - hunna wa
laakillaa tuwaa-'iduu-hunna
sirran 'illaaa 'an-taquu-luu
qawlam -ma' -ruufaa. Wa laa
ta' -zimuu 'uqdatan-Nikaahi
hattaa Yablughal - Kitaabu
'ajalah. Wa' - lamuuu
'annallaaha ya'-lamu maa fiii
'anfusikum fah-zaruuh;
wa'-lamuuu 'annallaaha
Ghafuurun Haliim.
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