Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim
According to Dr Sharib:
"Al-Badi' is the One Who creates things without a parallel, i.e. objects that do
not exist."
To emulate this name we are advised to try to achieve noble things and objects
and to renounce bad and debased things and objects.
Appropriate recitation secures your heart's desire.
see 'The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah' by Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib
Some other references:
Al-Ghazali says:
"Al-Badi' - the Absolute Cause - is such that nothing similair to it is known. And if
nothing is known to be similar to it - not in its essence, nor in its attributes or in
its actions, nor in anything attributed to it, that one is the absolutely original."
(Al-Ghazali - The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Trans. Burrel/Daher: ITS: 1992.)
Al-Badi' (Al-Badee', Al-Badii') Qur'an 2:117
The Originator, The Incomparable, The Matchless, The Commencer, The Absolute Cause
Say. "Who then has
Any power at all
(To intervene) on your behalf
With Allah, if His Will
Is to give you some loss
Or to give you some profit?
But Allah is well acquainted with All that ye do.
Qul famany-yam- liku lakum
- minallaahi shay - 'an 'in
araada bikum naf - 'aa?
Bal kaanallahu bimaa
ta' - maluu - na khabiiraa.
(Qur'an 48:11. Y. Ali trans.)
To Him is due
The primal origin
Of the heavens and the earth:
When He decreeth a matter
He saith to it: "Be,"
And it is.
Badii - 'us-samaawaati'
wal-'arz: wa'izaa qazaaa
'amran-fa-'innamaa yaquulu
lahuu "KUN" fayakuun
(Qur'an 2: 117. Y.Ali trans.)