Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim
According to Dr Sharib:

"Al-Muqaddim is the One Who prefers to cause the people to draw closer to

To emulate the name we are advised to be ever hopeful of His mercy and grace.

Appropriate invocation will save one from one's enemies during war and gives
courage strength and enthusiam.It will also confer the spirit of obedience to God
and kindness to people.

see 'The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah' by Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib

Some other references

He will say: "Dispute not
With each other
In My presence.
I had already in advance
Sent you My Warning.

Al-Ghazali refers to Al-Muqaddim along with Al-Mu'akhkhir (The Postponer [72]).

" He (God ) promotes His prophets and friends by bringing them close to Him
and guiding them....for example when a king brings two persons close to him but
places one of them closer to him, he is said to have promoted him by giving him
precedence over the other."

He points out that whoever has been promoted to being nearer to God it is not
due to that individuals own merits for God has enabled that person to do the
things that appear to the cause of his promotion.

(Al-Ghazali - The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Trans. Burrel/Daher: ITS: 1992.)

In everyday life when we await the revelation of some decision, the result of an
examination or an interview say, our mind often reaches a pitch of speculation,
hope vies with doubt, to be be replaced with confidence, which is in turn
replaced by gloom, and so on.. When once the result is openly declared the
tension disappears - to be replaced by joy and gratitude or sorrow and

Then how can it be with nearness to God when all internal disputation ceases
and the truth, about which there can be no doubt, is made manifest?
Shah Wali Ullah points out that revelation of some new stage of nearness to
God is often preceded by confusion in a similair way. If the new stage of
nearness appears due to the effort of man yet that effort is seen as neccesity
for, or kindness to, the individual - not the actual cause of such promotion to
nearness. That comes from Him alone.


Qur'an 50:28
The Expediter
The Bringer Forward, The One Who Causes the
People to be Near Him, The Preceder, The
Qaala laa takhtasimuu ladayya

(Qur'an 50:28)
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