According to Dr Sharib:

"An-Nafi' is the One Who bestows favours and gives profit. All the good,
the profit and the coveted things come from Him and from no one else."

To emulate the name we are advised to stick to the belief that God alone
gives all the good things of life and all the gain and profit in our

Appropriate recitation at sea saves one from the tempest and being

see 'The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah' by Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib

Some other references:

Say. "Who then has
Any power at all
(To intervene) on your behalf
With Allah, if His Will
Is to give you some loss
Or to give you some profit?
But Allah is well acquainted with
All that ye do.

Al-Ghazali refers to this name along with ad-Darr (The Punisher).

He says:An-Nafi' " the one from whom comes forth good and evil,
benefit and harm, all of which is to be referred to God most high -
whether He acts by means of angels, men, or inanimate things, or by any
other means. Do not suppose that poison kills or harms by itself, or that
food satisfies or benefits by itself; or that kings or men or Satan or any
other creature - be they heavenly bodies or stars or anything else - are
capable of good or evil, benefit or harm, by themselves. For all these are
subservient causes from which nothing proceeds except that for which
they were utilised."

(Al-Ghazali - The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Trans. Burrel/Daher: ITS: 1992.)

It is worth amplifying the comments of Dr Sharib when he says "God
alone gives ...all the profit in your endeavour." Whatever work we do or
whatever practice we follow is only beneficial if we offer that work to God
- since He alone can give it true and lasting value. When one fasts in
Ramadan or for any other purpose, or does some act of charity, or
completes some labour such as writing a book, it is good if one offers
that labour for the approval by God, or ask some friend of God (the
saints) to give it their blessing which ensures such acceptance. Thus we
labour to make our work acceptable but we are dependent on its
acceptance for it to become a thing of value. Otherwise our labours,
however hard, are in vain and trifles of no merit. O God, perfect and
accept our inadequate labours with Thy grace. Amen.

Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim
The Propitious
The Benefiter, He Who Benefits,
The Creator of Good
Qul famany-yam - liku
lakum - minallaahi shay -
'an 'in araada bikum naf -
'aa? Bal kaanallahu bimaa
ta' - maluu - na khabiiraa.

(Qur'an 48:11. Y. Ali trans.)
Qur'an 48:11 (a derived
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