According to Dr Sharib:

"As-Sabur is the One Who is patient to the utmost limit. He does not punish the
people for their sins, trangressions, intransigence and disobedience quickly. He
never makes haste and is never in a hurry. According to some scholars in Islam
whatever He thinks to do at a specified time, He does not do before the
appointed time."

To emulate the name we are advised to be ever guided by the spirit of patience
and should evince the spirit of 'forgive and forget'.

Appropriate recitation serves to give immunity from troubles, criticism and the
jealousy of people.

see 'The 99 Most Beautiful Names of Allah' by Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib

Some other references:

O ye who believe!
Persevere in patience
And constancy: vie
In such perseverance;
Strengthen each other;
And fear Allah;
That ye may prosper.

Al-Ghazali refers to 'The Patient' as the one who does not carry out a plan
before its time nor delays it till after its time - whilst not being subjected to a
force opposing His will.
He emphasises that endurance is needed by man to emulate patience since he
is required to oppose his own impulsive nature.

(Al-Ghazali - The Ninety-nine Beautiful Names of God. Trans. Burrel/Daher: ITS: 1992.)

Patience is the Key to Joy.

Mevlana Rumi (Masnevi)

Yusuf Ali the the well known translator of the holy Qur'an says about the verse
quoted above:

"The full meaning of Sabr is to be understood here, viz: Patience,
perseverance, constancy, self-restraint, refusing to be cowed down. These
virtues we are to exercise for ourselves and in relation to others: we are to set
an example, so that others may vie with us, and we are to vie with them, lest we
fall short; in this way we strengthen each other and bind our mutual relations
closer in our common service to God."

footnote 502 The Holy Qur-an Text, Translation and Commentary. Yusuf Ali. Ashraf, Lahore, 1938 edition.
Bismillah ir Rehman ir Rahim
The Patient,
The Forbearing, He Who Times all Things Perfectly
Yaaa - 'ayyu-hallaziina
'aama-nusbiruu wa saabiruu
wa raabituu: wattaqullaaha
la-'allakum tuflihuun.

(Qur'an 3:200 Y. Ali trans.)
Qur'an 3:200 A traditional
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