People Watching

Look, at people passing, sometimes,
Everything about them rhymes,
I mean really look, and you’ll see
How it all fits together perfectly!

Their clothes may be ill chosen
Or very smart; their gait uneven
Or feline; or it may be their face
Is a caricature, or full of grace!

They may be pale, or black, or brown
Eyebrows knitted or with a frown,
Or laughing and full of great glee,
Young, old or middle aged maybe!

Their posture might be upright
Or bent, or their manner uptight,
Or really laid back and slow,
Or blooming with a healthy glow!

They may look vacant, or pensive,
With clothes, cheap or expensive;
Fierce, or self satisfied and gloating;
Rock solid or willowy; bold or retiring!

Whatever the style of personality
See in it if you can,  a certain unity.
The expression of a Divine quality,
Appearing to be just like you or me!
The Point of Poetry

In the little, is the much,
True love-making in a touch,
In just a single sigh hear,
Heaven’s voices ringing clear.
In only a single point see,
The essence of all poetry.
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