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The Zahuri Sufi Web Site
After the events of September 11th 2002 I wrote a short article suggesting that the
antidote to the negative feeling caused by events, any events, which appear to us as
wrong or bad or evil was nothing other than love. This is a hard thing to follow. Here I
have expanded this with a short meditation.

A Short Meditation

'Whoever saw a poison and an antidote like the reed?' (The Mathnavi of
Mevlana Rumi)

'Whatever comes into the fire of the lover of God is burnt' (Khawaja
Muinuddin Hasan Chishti)

'Come - in whatever form thou showest thyself I recognise Thee'. (Hazrat

Let love in, around, and above you grow…' (Dr Zahurul Hassan Sharib)

Those things that happened - gave me discomfort, agony of mind,
anxiety, stress, and caused negative thoughts and feelings to arise
within me. They humiliated and hurt me and gave rise to worry. They
seemed to me irreparable beyond any compensation I can think of. It
appeared to me that they made a ruin of my life.

But all acts come from You so I must, and I will, and by Your Grace I
can and do love those Acts of Yours - those things that happened,
only because they were caused by and came from You. Those things
that happened - were bad and unjust and unfair and wrong, I hated
them, they filled me with rage, despair, and doubt, they seemed to
me ugly - I cannot deny it. They contradicted and flew in the face of
all that I think I stand for. But because You alone were their Real
Causer I must, and by Your Grace do, love them as I love those
things which seem to me fair, good, just, and beautiful…...

I take refuge with your Love from future acts and events that are bad
and unjust and seek what is good and just and fair and beautiful -
but above all I seek to be ever be mindful of You and Your Love in all
actions and events. This I seek, and I take comfort from the words of
Mevlana Rumi who said 'the seeker is a finder'.

Now with gratitude for Your Love (because for it to be possible for me
to love that act or thing or event arises only from Your Love, not from
any virtue in me), and by Your Grace, I will get on with my life, seek
to amend what was wrong in as much as You give me the power so
to do, to make fair what was ugly, to make good what was bad -
leaving the results of my actions to You - only You.

JMZ (Southampton January 14th 2004)
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