In original Persian from an early manuscript, transliteration into Latin script,
and translation of meaning.

Book 1: couplets 55 - 77 (The King and the Handmaiden II )
How it became manifest to the king that the physicians were unable to cure the handmaiden,
and how he turned his face towards God and dreamed of a holy man
paa berahneh jaanebeh masjed david,
56 raft dar masjed sooyeh mehraab shod,
sojdeh gaah az ashkeh shah por aab shod,
56 chon beh kheesh aamad zeh gharghaabeh fanaa,
khosh zabaan bogshaad dar madh o sanaa,
57 key kamineh bakhsheshat molkeh jahaan,
man cheh gooyam, chon to midaani nahaan,
59 ey hamisheh haajateh ma ra panaah,
baareh digar ma ghalat kardim raah,
60 lik gofti garcheh midaanam serat,
zood ham peyda konash bar zaaherat,
61 chon bar aavard az miyaaneh jaan khoroosh,
andar aamad bahreh bakhshaayesh beh joosh,
62 dar miyaaneh geryeh khaabash dar robood,
did dar khaab oo ke piri roo nemood,
63 goft ey shah mojdeh! haajaatat ravaast!
gar gharibi aayadat fardaa, zeh maast!
64  choonk aayad, oo halimeh haazegh ast,
saadeghash daan koo amin o saadegh ast,
65  dar alaajash sehreh motlagh ra bebin,
dar mazaajash ghodrateh Hagh ra bebin,
66 chon resid aan vadeh gaah o rooz shod,
aaftaab az shargh akhtarsooz shod,
67  bood andar manzareh shah montazer,
ta bebinad aanch benmoodand ser,
68 did shakhsi, faazeli, por maayehi,
aaftaabi dar miyaaneh saayehi,
69 miresid az door maanandeh helaal,
nist bood o hast bar shekleh khiyaal,
70 nist vash baashad khiyaal andar ravaan,
to jahaani bar khiyaali bin ravaan,
71 bar khiyaali solheshaan o jangeshaan,
vaz khiyaali fakhreshaan o nankeshaan,
72 aan khiyaalaati keh daameh oliyaast,
axeh mahrooyaaneh bostaaneh Khodaast,
73 aan khiyaali keh shah andar khaab did,
dar rokheh mehmaan hami aamad padid,
74 shab be jaayeh haajeban fa pish raft,
pisheh aan mehmaaneh gheybeh kheesh raft,
55 When the king saw the powerlessness of those physicians,
he ran bare-footed to the mosque.
56 He entered the mosque and advanced to the mihrab (to
pray): the prayer-carpet was bathed in the king's tears.
57 On coming to himself out of the flood of ecstasy (fana') he
opened his lips in goodly praise and laud,
58 Saying, "Thou whose least gift is the empire of the world,
what shall I say, inasmuch as Thou knowest the hidden thing?
59 O Thou with whom we always take refuge in our need, once
again we have missed the way.
60 But Thou hast said, 'Albeit I know thy secret, nevertheless
declare it forthwith in thine outward act."
61 When from the depths of his soul he raised a cry (of
supplication), the sea of Bounty began to surge.
62 Slumber overtook him in the midst of weeping: he dreamed
that an old man appeared
63 And said, "Good tidings, 0 king! Thy prayers are granted. If
to-morrow a stranger come for thee, he is from me.
64 When he comes, he is the skilled physician: deem him
veracious, for he is trusty and true.
65 In his remedy, behold absolute magic, in his temperament
behold the might of God!
66 When the promised hour arrived and day broke and the sun,
(rising) from the east, began to bum the stars
67The king was in the belvedere,  expecting to see that which
had been shown mysteriously.
68 He saw a person excellent and worshipful, a sun amidst a
69 Coming from afar, like the new moon (in slenderness and
radiance): he was non-existent, though existent in the form of
70  In the spirit phantasy is as naught, (yet) behold a world
(turning) on a phantasy!
71 Their peace and their, war (turn) on a phantasy,  and their
pride and their shame spring from a phantasy;
72 (But) those phantasies which ensnare the saints are the
reflexion of the fair ones of the garden of God.
73 In the countenance of the stranger-guest was appearing that
phantasy  which the king beheld in his dream.
74 The king himself, instead of the chamberlains,  went forward
to meet his guest from the Invisible
Konya index
Konya photos index
Traveller's Guide
01 - 18 call of the reed
19 - 34
35 - 54
55 - 77
Index of couplets in Masnevi
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